Solar Generation December 2023 End Of Year Summary
As can be seen from the chart below I generated 130.76 kWh of electricity in November 2023 from our solar panel array. My consumption for the month came to 548.96 kWh.
Comparative Energy
This months generation compares less favourably with previous years generation of 184.87 due to the cold wet weather we have suffered this month.
Read on for my full review of whole year energy costs
Electricity Use
Much like last month due to both Karen and I being ill, it is fair to say the cars have not been used much and all of the electricity they consume is delivered overnight between 0030 and 0430 at the cheap rate. Filling the Tesla Powerwall II during the same window of cheap electric means we only used 23.5 kWh at the dear rate.
Time of use tariff and the Powerwall make a significant saving on our bills and has proven to be a wise investment back in 2018.
Gas Use
Gas consumption is increasing now we have started to use the central heating as it gets colder.
Total Energy Use
Cost of your energy this month
Electricity – £57.94
Gas – £80.42
Subtotal – £138.36
FIT Income £ 0
Solar Generation December 2023 End Of Year Summary
As can be seen in the chart below the system generated 5.42 Mega watt hours of electricity. I consumed 4.66 of that myself for the house and cars. I exported 0.76 MWh to the grid. This would be when the Powerwall battery is full as well as the two cars and the solar generation exceeds the house usage. Therefore out of a total consumption of 7.25 MWh I only imported 2.59 MWh for which I paid for and the majority of this would have been overnight at the cheap rate..
I paid a total of £1020.81 to Bulb/Octopus energy for all my gas and electricity in 2023.
I received back a total of £471.26 from the Governments Feed in Tariff (currently 5.49p for generation and 6.79p for export for me as I was one of the last ones on the FIT scheme before it ended).
Total Cost for my energy for gas and electric for 2023 was £549.55p That includes running 2 electric cars and heating the water and central heating over the winter by gas.
As Karen and I are now pensioners we each received £250 winter fuel allowance from the Government.
Therefore my actual total spend out of my own pocket comes to £49.55p for the year.
Solar Generation December 2023 End Of Year Summary
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