Fake News About Electric Cars
Back in August 2023 I wrote a blog post entitled Shocking News About Electric Cars. I have seen so many fake news items discrediting electric cars in the main stream media that I decided to subscribe via Patreon to the Stop Burning Stuff campaign.
I have owned several electric cars since 2017 and cannot believe how many incredibly stupid articles appear in the main stream media designed to rubbish and discredit electric cars.
Stop Burning Stuff describes their channel as below:
Wise to the lies? Bored of BS? Fed-up of FUD? Misinformation about Electric Vehicles and Clean Energy is at an all-time high. The Fully Charged SHOW and FairCharge are coming together to combat this ‘*fear, uncertainty and doubt’ through fast-turnaround infographic rebuttals, placing spokespeople on mainstream media, and engaging with political influencers. Your financial support through Patreon can make a material difference, as we work together to persuade people to #StopBurningStuff.
Following on from their first major event in London they have produced the below video. In it experts unpick these lies and myths about electric vehicles. Real users including fleet owners with thousands of vehicles give evidence of the real world experience in the use of electric vehicles.
What ever your views, especially if you are one of those who believes all the fake news you read is true, please take time to watch the video. It may not change your opinion but at least you will be in possession of some real facts instead of all the utter rubbish being pumped out by mainstream media today.
If you do watch it to the end let me know what you think in the comments below….
Fake News About Electric Cars
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Thank you Mark, I look forward to your comments once viewed.
I think there is no doubt that electric is the future if you can afford to invest in it. I personally cannot afford to invest at this time and at my age probably never will. I thought the film was a trifle political and no doubt there are pros and cons. I think that electric cars are rolling and won’t stop but it will take a few years yet.
Hi Dave, thank you for taking the time and effort to visit and leave a comment. It is correct that ev’s are not right for everyone at the moment but the balance is changing very quickly. Thanks again. Regards. Steve
In a world where anyone can read anything and claim its fake I think what stops me from grasping the concept of EV’s is much larger than just how much range I can expect or how long it will last.
I live in rural Ontario, I need a truck for hauling, towing and space for my wife and our dogs and all our stuff. I don’t see a comparable EV on the market to fit my needs. My uncle has a Ford Plug-in Hybrid…he hates it. Claims its always in the shop.
I realize there is a huge environmental concern surrounding EV’s and the need for them. I think the Western world governments have made commitments comparable to pipe dreams because zero emissions will NOT happen by 2035. Not in Canada with the bulk of its export business being fossil fuels. Furthermore, there is a lot of unanswered questions for me regarding infrastructure. Ontario’s power grid is remarkably fragile so trying to imagine a few million vehicles plugged into it is hard to fathom. Furthermore, EV’s weigh considerably more than the average passenger car when comparing sedan to sedan. So the whole argument that EV’s have better traction control is probably based on the vehicles gross weight but anything too heavy typically doesn’t handle well. Let alone the additional weight will have a bearing on the service life on steering and drivetrain components in addition to wheel hubs, tie rod ends and ball joints.
Then I really scratch my head when I read about Lithium mines in Chile and Argentina where the chemical runoffs look like metallic rivers(great for the environment). How the regions water supply is majorly consumed by the plant and how much coal and oil is being burned to reach the materials needed for batteries. These are not lies or misinformation. If anything the governments are misleading people by omitting the very facts that contradict their stance that combustion is so evil and EV’s are a gift from the gods. I’m waiting for the deadline to pass so I can see the uber rich Canadians sue the government for forcing them to buy unproven crap because they think it will reduce forest fires or prevent adverse weather events…they won’t and then we will have a whole other argument for the next alternative which imo should be and should have always been Hydrogen fuel cells. You can always smell the cow dung if you just follow the money. Its also not fair to blame disinformation regarding EV’s on the fossil fuel industries. People fail to see that fossil fuels constitute the bulk of the plastics in their home let alone the fuel in their cars. There are plenty of real world scenarios that paint EV’s in a not-so-evangelical view just by hearing what real owners have to say and to be honest its pretty wishy-washy. I’m still waiting for my government to show how much global greenhouse gases are being contributed by Canada alone now and how much we theoretically reduce it once every Canada buys an battery powered pill box or Musk Tesla. Finally I think the whole climate change—force everyone to buy an EV is a huge waste of time and money. There are so few incentives available. Asian, Australia and some European countries are still relying on Coal and Oil for their energy needs. I could I possibly feel good about saving the planet as I mindlessly drive my $80K pillbox, waifs of fresh flowers and baked bread fills my nostrils….meanwhile the other half of the world burns trash and garbage and those countries have the biggest populations. This government funded take on self-disillusionment is the biggest info-war scam to date and nobody is interested in attacking it. Mass adoption of EV’s makes sense in dense metropolises but not in rural settings where the distance to charging systems and overall vehicle use prohibit the ownership of an EV without having to alter one’s entire lifestyle just to accommodate a vehicle your being “forced” to buy for a totally unproven benefit.
Hello Matt, Thank you for reading my blog post and submitting your comments. I can only comment on what is happening in the UK and you are right to point out how different countries are approaching the journey to net zero. I could answer all your points individually but they would be relevant to the UK and not your country. I do agree that plugin hybrids are a total waste of time. I have two electric vehicles, solar panels on the roof and a house storage battery. I no longer drive a polluting vehicle and I only draw a fraction of the electricity I used to consume from the grid. It works fine for me but I appreciate your needs are different. There are larger electric towing vehicles on the market now from Ford and Rivian. Sadly experiments in Hydrogen fuel cells for domestic cars have consistently failed whereas they are suited to larger commercial vehicle applications. I would disagree with your last statement as I feel I have personally proven there is a benefit but I do see the need for such a healthy debate.
Thank you once again for stopping by.
PSyou may find this PDF helpful “Busting EV Lies“
Good to see honest John Wilson again.
Issues raised are micro, mezzo and macho on a global scale but Quintin quite rightly raises Britain PLC.
Who is the audience Capitalism discuss conscious individual choice, vehicle fleet eg Amazon and government corporation procurement?
Do we need to compare globalisation with Cop 28 and Dr Jaber concerning reviewed targets internationally v British PLC ?
Hello Mark,
Thank you for reading my blog post and leaving your comment.