Shocking News About Electric Cars
Some journalists seem to hate electric cars. Here are the facts. The media has been saturated lately with totally untrue or at best misleading and poorly researched articles against the take up of electric vehicles.
A number of Youtube channels I follow are commenting on these incredibly biased and misinformed publications. Let me state here and now I am a keen advocate of electric vehicles having owned a series of electric cars since 2017.
However I do accept that not all current fossil fuel car owners can easily make the switch.
It is the lies and fears being spread that angers me. The Government policy to stop selling fossil fuel cars by 2030 (if it still exists by the time you read this) does not mean you have to sell your existing vehicle now or at anytime in the future. You can keep it forever if you like!
However my concern is how many car owners could change now and are being put off by the prejudiced media reporting as can be seen below?. The video shows an episode of the Jeremy Vine show where he interviews a well known Journalist Mike Parry
Here are just a few of his ridiculous claims about electric vehicles:
- “‘I think politicians invented the electric car”
- “Children in Africa have to go into mines and mine cobalt for batteries”
- “An electric car is twice the weight of an ordinary car, so they are being banned from car parks.”
- “Electric cars shred the tyres much more quickly and spray fibres into the air all the time”
- “If all the cars run on electric they’d suck all of the electricity out of the national grid”
- “You can’t charge them….another 120 miles and bang – it’s all gone”
Watch the video to see how the Electrifying Team fact check his outlandish and really ridiculous claims. However some viewers who watched the live broadcast may believe him as Jeremy Vine did not have a clue how to respond to him!
Electric Cars, the media haven’t got a clue
Here is a more recent classic example of how the anti EV media jump to the wrong conclusions and get the facts horribly wrong.
Shocking News About Electric Cars
The video describes how a twitter feed led to some remarkable miss reporting by the anti EV media. Basically a lady describes how the rain flooded a car park and her new car was written off due to water damage in her electric gearbox. There in lies the red flag. The word electric. Immediately it was picked up by the Sun, Daily Mail and the Mirror who then published articles describing the owners anger at her new electric vehicle being written off. “Sparks Gone, my brand new £22,000 electric car is now a total write off after I took it on holiday”
Had any of these journalist read her follow up tweet reinforcing the fact it was not an electric car it might have stopped them making this mistake. Had they looked at the image they would have seen by its registration and badging it was a Renault Capture Diesel car which has never been made as an electric vehicle. If they had considered the value of £22000 they would have realised you cannot buy a new Electric Vehicle for £22000! Had they contacted the lady owner to confirm or expand on her dismay they would have stumbled over their error. None of this stopped them printing absolute lies to their audience.
There did follow a large scale backlash to these articles which had to be corrected and re written. However it just confirms the prejudice and absolute lack of fact checking.
The above video is worth watching as the topics discussed are:
- Climate Change
- Air Pollution
- Electric cars aren’t greener
- Batteries are bad for the environment
- Batteries won’t last
- EV’s can’t go the distance
- The infrastructure isn’t ready
- No driveway No EV
- Charging wastes time
- The grid can’t cope
- Batteries catch fire
- Batteries can’t handle the cold
- EV’s weigh too much
- EV’s can’t tow
- Hybrids and Hydrogen are the future
- EV’s are too expensive
I am not asking you to agree with me because its my view that is correct, that would be wrong. I only ask that whatever view you hold make sure it is based on proven fact. Remember whatever your views on Electric Vehicles please, do not be an…….
Definition: one who is presumptuous and offers advice or opinions beyond one’s sphere of knowledge
Shocking News About Electric Cars
Further reading material: Click the links below………..
Screeching U-Turn Alert! Why can British politicians, like Rishi Sunak, not #StopBurningStuff?
The latest red herring? E-Fuels.
The Secret Pollution That All Cars Are Guilty Of | Fully Charged
And if you have read all the way down to here- well done and thank you.
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